Os dejo hoy con un post con pantalones encerados rojos, desde que descubrí este tipo de pantalones que me encantan........., camiseta con mensaje, cazadora perfecto y los que creo van a ser mis botines preferidos del invierno. Os deseo que paséis un buen jueves, mil gracias y muchos, muchos besos. MUAAA!!!
It's amazing but every year over the Christmas forward, yesterday I was shopping and all the shops and with Christmas decorations. Not a bit early??
I leave you today with a red waxed pants post, since I discovered this type ......... I love pants, shirt with a message, perfect jacket and I think will be my favorite winter boots. I wish you'll have a good Thursday, many thanks and many, many kisses. Muaaa!!!
Camiseta / Tshirt: Green Coast (El Corte Inglés) (new)
Pantalones / Pants: Zara (old)
Perfecto: Massimo Dutti (old)
Botas / Boots: Zaara (new)
Pañuelo / Scarf: Zara (new)
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