Aunque parezca raro el gris podria decirse que es mi color favorito, es ideal para los looks de invierno.
Descansad este fin de semana largo, sed muy felices y disfrutad muchísimo. Gracias y muchos besos. MUA!!!
This week has been cortita ......... tomorrow is holiday and if I may I will take it as they come to rest many days of parties, nights out, meals, etc .... and there to recharge.
Oddly gray could say that is my favorite color, it is ideal for winter looks.
Rest this long weekend, very happy thirst and enjoy a lot. Thanks and many kisses. MUA!!!
Jersey: Sfera (new)
Falda / Skirt: Mango (old)
Botines / Booties: Zara (old)
Medias / Tights: Calcedonia (old)
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡FELIZ FIN DE SEMANA!!!!!!
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