Hoy os dejo un look con un color un poco difícil, la verdad. El verde menta es difícil de combinar (al menos para mi), así que cogí mi falda de piel blanca y collar del mismo tono con lo que iba a acertar seguro!!!
Gracias a l@s fieles que a pesar de teneros un poco abandonad@s seguís ahí. Mil besos MUA!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I'll admit I'm a bit lazy lately with the blog .............., so many things I have to do the day after I leave the blog for the latest and clear when it's time I have been exhausted batteries. Many bloggers stop blogging scheduled all week but I like to do every day, so with the little time I have I can not promise to publish every day.
Today I left a look with a color a little difficult, really. The mint green is difficult to combine (at least for me), so I grabbed my skirt and white fur collar with the same tone that would sure hit!
Thanks to @ s faithful that despite some calves Abandon @ s you follow there. MUA thousand kisses!!!
Camisa / Shirt: H&M
Falda / Skirt: Zara (SS14)
Zapatos / Shoes: Pull&Bear (SS14)
Collar / Necklace: El Corte Inglés (SS14)
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