En breve tendremos que empezar a ir cambiando la ropa de verano por la de invierno por eso vamos a aprovechar lo que nos queda y hoy os enseño un look veraniego total. Que opináis de los sombreros??? A mi me encantan y creo que le dan al look un toque especial.
Manaña nos vemos con un post nuevo. Gracias y mil besos. MUA!!!!!
Yesterday was a tough day but it was also comforting. The first day of work after the holidays is difficult to take but I have to say I love my job and I'm surrounded by great people so back becomes more enjoyable.
We will soon have to start going changing summer clothes for winter so we will take what we have left and today I show a total summer look. What you think of hats ??? I love them and I think they give the look a twist.
See you tomorrow with a new post. Thank you a thousand kisses. MUA !!!!!
Sombrero / Hat: Tienda local
Camiseta / Tshirt: Pull&Bear
Short: Massimo Dutti
Zapatos / Shoes: Massmimo Dutti
Bolso / Bag: Louis Vuitton
Que bien te sienta el color blanco Anita. Millones de besos.