Ya tenemos aquí el fin de semana………….., con lo que cuesta de llegar y lo rápido que se pasa, verdad??? En Valencia han dicho que vamos a tener muy buen tiempo, así que aprovecharemos y haremos cosas al aire libre. Alguien entiende lo del cambio de hora porque yo no. No me puedo creer que a partir del domingo a las seis de la tarde ya se hará de noche, uffff que pereza!!!! En fin voy a lo que interesa que es el look que os muestro hoy, ja, ja, ja…..!!!!!
El color azul marino es un tono que la verdad nunca me ha atraído demasiado, siempre sea como sea la prenda me ha recordado al estilo marinero que me cansa un poco pero cuando vi esta falda el año pasado en Mango me gusto, me la pobre y os tengo que decir que me costó decidirme pero ahora estoy encantada con ella.
Los zapatos tienen mucho tiempo, los compre en Bimba y Lola (no soy muy asidua a esta tienda) y ahora resulta que este invierno se llevan un montón y es que está claro que no hay que deshacerse de ninguna prenda porque las modas siempre vuelven. Lo malo de esto es que o tienes un vestidor enorme o es un poco complicado guardarlo todo.
Os dejo con las fotos y os deseo que paséis un genial fin de semana. No os olvidéis de disfrutarlo al máximo, día que pasa día que no vuelve y no hay que perder ni una oportunidad. Gracias por todas vuestras visitas al blog. Besos. MUA!!!!!!!
We have here the weekend ............ .. with what it costs to get and how fast it goes, right ??? In Valencia have been told that we will have very good time, so take advantage and do things outdoors. Someone understands what the time change because I do not. I can not believe that starting Sunday at six in the afternoon and evening will be made, but laziness uffff !!!! Anyway I'm interested in what is the look that I show today, ha ha ha ... .. !!!!!
The navy blue is a tone that the truth has never appealed to me too, as is always the pledge reminded me of the sailor style I tired a bit but when I saw this skirt last year in Mango like me, poor me I must say that I have cost me my mind but now I'm delighted with it.
The shoes have a long time, buy from Bimba y Lola (I'm not very regular at this store) and it turns out that this winter wear a lot and it is clear that we should not get rid of any clothes because the fashions always come back. The downside of this is that you either have a huge dressing room or keep it all a bit complicated.
I leave you with the photos and I wish you'll have a great weekend. Do not forget to enjoy it to the fullest, day passing day does not return and not to lose a chance. Thanks for all your visits to the blog. Kisses. MUA !!!!!!!
The navy blue is a tone that the truth has never appealed to me too, as is always the pledge reminded me of the sailor style I tired a bit but when I saw this skirt last year in Mango like me, poor me I must say that I have cost me my mind but now I'm delighted with it.
The shoes have a long time, buy from Bimba y Lola (I'm not very regular at this store) and it turns out that this winter wear a lot and it is clear that we should not get rid of any clothes because the fashions always come back. The downside of this is that you either have a huge dressing room or keep it all a bit complicated.
I leave you with the photos and I wish you'll have a great weekend. Do not forget to enjoy it to the fullest, day passing day does not return and not to lose a chance. Thanks for all your visits to the blog. Kisses. MUA !!!!!!!
Camisa / Shirt: Massimo Dutti
Falda / Skirt: Mango
Zapatos / Shoes: Bimba y Lola