Yo sigo con mis looks primaverales de falda con botas que me parecen de los mas ponibles......., esta vez en tonos blanco y gris.
Os dejo ya con las fotos del look y os deseo unas felices vacaciones de Semana Santa. como siempre os digo aprovechad al máximo.
Mil besos MUA!!!!!
Prepare @ s for Easter holidays ??? For me today is my last day of work and not back up within a few days, so hopefully good weather and exploited to go to the little beach !!!
I continue with my skirt spring looks with boots that seem to me the most wearable ......., this time in white and gray tones.
I leave you now with pictures look and I wish you a happy Easter holidays. as always I say Seize the maximum.
MUA thousand kisses !!!!!
Camiseta / Tshirt: Zara
Falda / Skirt: Zara
Botines / Booties: Zara
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