En el post de hoy os enseño creo que mi prenda favorita este verano. Seguramente ya se la habréis visto a otras bloggers y es que es chulísima. Sienta fenomenal y creo que es bastante elegante. Seguro que la utilizo para muchos looks.
Como se presenta la semana??? Qué os parece si la empezamos "a tope" de energía??? Un beso MUA!!!!!
Incredible coolest weekend I had the whole weekend in the beach!! Not long ago pleaded that came good while now and honestly I'm a little afraid of the weather is doing us ........... No, not that I know what I want but now we do this heat I hate to think what it will do when we get to July. And for the record I'm not complaining, I prefer this a thousand times a dreary winter, ha ha ha .............
I teach in the post I think my favorite outfit this summer. Surely you have seen already the other bloggers and that is very cool. Feel great and I think it's quite elegant. Sure I use it for many looks.
As presented week?? Do you think if we started "butt" of energy?? A kiss MUA!!!
Crop Top: Mango (SS14)
Falda / Skirt: Zara (SS14)
Zapatos / Shoes: Berska (SS14)
Bolso / Bag: Amichi
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