Hoy es un día muy especial para mi, el blog cumple 1 añito. Esta aventura comenzó hace un año, yo siempre he sido una amante de la moda, es mi pasión. De pequeña trabaje para algunas marcas y diseñadores como Francis Montesinos e incluso al principio de mi adolescencia hice alguna pasarela para Mango cuando la marca empezaba a ser conocida y abrir tiendas en España. Luego por circunstancias de la vida me tuve que desvincular de todo este mundo y siempre me quedó la espinita de saber lo que habría sido mi vida si hubiese podido seguir en este mundo, pero el tiempo pasaba y mi vida cambió totalmente hacia un rumbo muy distinto, eso si sin dejar de sentir la pasión por la moda. Desde que se puso de moda todo esto de internet y los blogs siempre pensaba que por qué no podía yo hacerme uno de esos blogs en los que simplemente enseñas tu ropa, tu manera de vestir y tu estilo. Creo que hay mucha gente que tiene una idea equivocada de lo que realmente es un blog de moda, no se trata de ser una supermodelo, tener un cuerpazo y exhibirlo, va mucho mas allá de todo eso. Cada persona tenemos un estilo que puede o no gustar pero para eso están los blogs, es una manera de asesorar a la gente que no sabe como combinar su ropa. Cuantas veces hemos tenido algo colgado en el armario que por no saber como o con que ponérnoslo pasa el tiempo y ahí sigue, colgado. Esa es mi única intención de crear este blog, ayudar a muchas chicas a combinar su ropa. por supuesto puedo o no gustar pero este es mi estilo.
El día que me decidí a empezar os tengo que confesar que tenia un poco de miedo, no sabia si tendría o no seguidores, si iba o no a gustar pero a día de hoy os confieso que estoy muy orgullosa de lo que hago y seguiré en ello hasta que vosotr@s queráis.
Solo me queda daros las gracias a tod@s los que día a día me seguís, a l@s que alguna vez habéis visitado mi blog, a l@s que habéis dejado de hacerlo y a l@s que en un futuro lo visitareis. Sin todos vosotr@s todo esto no seria posible. Besos Muuuaaa!!!!!
Today is a very special day for me , the blog turns 1 añito . This adventure began a year ago, I have always been a fashion lover , it's my passion. Small works for some brands and designers such as Francis Montesinos and even in my early teens I did some runway to handle when the brand began to be known and open stores in Spain . Later in life circumstances I had to unlink all this world and always left me the thorn of knowing what would have been my life if I could go in this world , but time passed and my life completely changed into a very different direction , that if you still feel the passion for fashion. Since it became fashionable all this Internet blogs and always thought why could not I make myself one of those blogs where just teach your clothes, your dress and your style . I think many people have a misconception of what really is a fashion blog , not about being a supermodel , have a great body and display it, it goes far beyond that. Everyone have a style that may or may not like it but that's what the blogs, it is a way of advising people not know how to match her clothes . How many times have we had something hanging in the closet for not knowing how or how ponérnoslo time passes and there still , hanging . That is my only intention to create this blog, help many girls match her clothes . of course I like or not but this is my style.
The day I decided to start I have to confess I had a little scared , did not know whether to have followers , whether or not I would like but today I confess that I am very proud of what I do and will continue in it until you @ s want.
I can only say thank you to everyone who s the day you follow me at @ s that you have ever visited my blog, the @ s who have left to do yal @ s in the future You will visit it . Without all of you @ s all this would not be possible . Muuuaaa Kisses !!!
Today is a very special day for me , the blog turns 1 añito . This adventure began a year ago, I have always been a fashion lover , it's my passion. Small works for some brands and designers such as Francis Montesinos and even in my early teens I did some runway to handle when the brand began to be known and open stores in Spain . Later in life circumstances I had to unlink all this world and always left me the thorn of knowing what would have been my life if I could go in this world , but time passed and my life completely changed into a very different direction , that if you still feel the passion for fashion. Since it became fashionable all this Internet blogs and always thought why could not I make myself one of those blogs where just teach your clothes, your dress and your style . I think many people have a misconception of what really is a fashion blog , not about being a supermodel , have a great body and display it, it goes far beyond that. Everyone have a style that may or may not like it but that's what the blogs, it is a way of advising people not know how to match her clothes . How many times have we had something hanging in the closet for not knowing how or how ponérnoslo time passes and there still , hanging . That is my only intention to create this blog, help many girls match her clothes . of course I like or not but this is my style.
The day I decided to start I have to confess I had a little scared , did not know whether to have followers , whether or not I would like but today I confess that I am very proud of what I do and will continue in it until you @ s want.
I can only say thank you to everyone who s the day you follow me at @ s that you have ever visited my blog, the @ s who have left to do yal @ s in the future You will visit it . Without all of you @ s all this would not be possible . Muuuaaa Kisses !!!
Mono: Mango (SS14)
Zaparos / Shoes: Stradivarius
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