Algo que he pensado hacer con ella es cortarla un poco, me da la sensación de que es demasiado larga y tal vez si fuese un poco mas corta me la pondría más.
Os dejo ya con las fotos. Gracias por todas vuestras visitas. Besos MUA!!!!!
If I tell you this coat has about 10 years you what you think ??? Yep, has more or less those years, the shop at Zara and was a reversal of these are for all life. I have put me on a few occasions but hey, is there for when I want to.
Something I plan to do with it is cut a little, I get the feeling that is too long and maybe if I was a little shorter I would put it more.
I leave you now with the photos. Thanks for all your visits. Kisses MUA !!!!!
Gabardina / Raincoat: Zara
Camiseta / Tshirt: Zara (sales)
Pantalon / Pants: Zara
Botines / Booties: Zara
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