Mientras tanto tenemos que seguir con looks invernales, sweters de lana y cuello alto, pantalón largo, abrigos, etc...........
Tengo que admitir que publico poco últimamente pero es que estoy ya muy aburrida de la ropa de invierno y ya no me gusta nada..............., así que nos armaremos de paciencia y esperaremos con calma a la tan ansiada primavera!!!!!
Estoy contentísima con mis sneakers de Pull&Bear, son comodísimas y calentitas.
Esperemos que pase pronto esta ola de frío polarrrrrrr. Feliz semana y gracias por continuar ahí a pesar de mis ausencias.
Besos MUA!!!!!!!
Who said that Valencia is not cold ??? I think these are the hardest days all winter, although to be optimistic because we have little to reach the spring.
Meanwhile we must continue with winter outfits, sweaters and wool turtleneck, long pants, coats, etc ...........
I have to admit that the public bit lately but I'm already bored with winter clothes and already I hate ............... so we arm ourselves with patience and wait with calms the long-awaited spring !!!!!
I am thrilled with my sneackers Pull & Bear are very comfortable and toasty.
Hopefully soon pass this cold snap polarrrrrrr. Happy week and thanks for continuing there despite my absence.
Kisses MUA!!!!!
Jersey: Sfera
Pantalones / Pants: Zara
Sneakers: Pull&Bear
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